Safety In Georgia

In addition to the beautiful nature and ancient culture, the little country of Georgia stands out with its safe environment and low criminal activity. As a result of the reforms from 2012-2021, Georgia significantly advanced in the international crime rate rankings by country.

According to the research conducted in the first half of 2020 by the world's leading rating platform "Numbeo", Georgia ranks 4th among 133 countries and 1st in Europe as the safest country to live in. In the 2019 ranking of the safest countries, Georgia took 6th place.

The following statistics are from 2019-2020:

  • Registered crimes decreased by 11.74%. 2019 recorded 64,123 crimes and 2020 recorded 54,596;

  • Crime rate detection has increased an average of 36%;

  • Hate crimes and inviolability decreased by 18.76%;

  • Crimes against health and safety decreased by 6.42%;

  • Drug-related crimes significantly decreased by 46.19%;

  • The environmental crime rate was sharply reduced by 28.93%;

  • Institutional crime decreased by 18.11%. In particular, according to the statistics, bribery sharply decreased by 47.62%;

  • Crimes against the state decreased by 33%;

  • Crime against the constitutional structure and security decreased by 25.81%; 

  • Terrorism decreased by 46.67%. Crimes like this are not included in the number of common crimes and are recorded only as a unit.

  • Property crimes decreased by 12.23%. In particular, the cases of theft (-10.96%), robbery (-28.23%), and more serious crimes (-28.37%).

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