The site contains a number of structures, including a rectangular building and a temple composed of a few large cells and a hall. This hall had a ceremonial entrance to the south that was faced with hewn tufa and sandstone. The floor, decorated with a mosaic of twelve colours, dates back to the 2nd century. The Greek gods Dionysus and Ariadne are depicted in this mosaic.
The palace at the Dzalisi Archaeological Site was built over an area of 2,500 square metres, making it the largest palace to have been found in Georgia. The interior of the palace had a yard with fountains and an atrium.
You’ll also see the remains of apse structures, a swimming pool, and a public bath at the site.
This was an especially sophisticated site. The sleeping chambers in this city even had their own bathrooms with dedicated plumbing and a water supply. There was also a central hypocaust heating system on site, which was used to blow hot air into the palace and warm the building.
If you’re fascinated by ancient history, you should absolutely visit the Dzalisi Archaeological Site. It offers a window into a period in Georgia’s history that many do not know about, and is sure to leave a lasting impression on you.