Martkopi Monastery

Martkopi Monastery

In just one hour driving distance from Tbilisi, close to the village of Martkopi, a forest road will take you to a monastery complex built on the slopes of a mountain. This is Martkopi Monastery, a 6th-century monastery with a fascinating history of strife and rebirth.
Kvemo Kartli

The History of Martkopi Monastery

First settled by the holy father Anton and his disciples in the 6th century, Martkopi Monastery would become a powerful hub for Orthodox beliefs over the coming centuries.

Father Anton lived in seclusion, which is where the name of the monastery comes from – marto mkopi (“being alone” in Georgian). 

Throughout its long history, the monastery was destroyed numerous times by invasions. In 1934 communists closed the monastery, instead opening stores and warehouses in this sacred place. Monastic life was restored in Martkopi in 1989, shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The Structure of Martkopi Monastery

On the slopes of the mountain are a number of churches: The Church of the Savior, of the Mother of God, of Saint George, and of Father Anton. Here is also where you will find Father Anton’s pillar, where he spent the last fifteen years of his life in prayer.

There is an amazing view of Tbilisi and its surroundings from the monastery. You can also see the beautiful landscapes of outer Kakheti from there.

There is a car road going up to the monastery.

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