Rkoni Monastery Complex

Rkoni Monastery Complex

Mountains and forests surround the Rkoni monastery located in Shida Kartli, Kaspi Municipality.
Shida Kartli

How to get to Rkoni Monastery Complex?

The footpath starts from the village Rkoni, following the Tedzami River valley along a beautiful path surrounded by forest.

Rkoni Monastery Complex Architecture and Paintings

This unique complex consists of several structures. The Virgin Mary church built in the second half of the VII century represents a three-church basilica with three entrances. The inside of the church is covered with frescos from the XII century, while other areas were painted later in the XVII century. 

The gate was later added to the XII-century church. Don’t miss the beauty of other carvings and paintings from the XIII-XIV centuries.

On the northwest side of the church, lie ruins from the XIII-XIV centuries, which were the remains of the dining area. The three-story tower on the southern side also belongs to the monastery complex. On the two-story bell tower, painting fragments from the XVII-XVII centuries are preserved. 

Stop at the XIII-XIV century Saint John the Baptist church, to observe the beautiful architecture and carvings of the structure. 

The Rkoni monastery will amaze you with its variety of paintings and remains of unique frescos.

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