
Rkoni village is in eastern Georgia, on the upper part of the Tedzami river. It is the last village of the gorge and is known for its historic-cultural monuments.
Distance to the location by road from:
2:05 hr
5:55 hr
3:50 hr

Where is Rkoni located?

Rkoni is in the Akhalkalaki community, in Kaspi municipality, 50 kilometers from Tbilisi. According to the latest data, only six people live here. 

Rkoni history

In the XII-XIII centuries, an important military-strategic road passed through, connecting Shida Kartli to the southern Georgian provinces of Javakheti and Trialeti, and then Armenia to Persia and the Middle East. This connection led to the development of monastic infrastructure in Rkoni.

What to see in Rkoni?

Rkoni monastery complex dates back to the VII century, however, traces of construction were found from XIII-XIV and XVII-XVII centuries. Apart from the churches, there are dining areas, towers, a bell tower, the Tamari bridge, and monk dwellings. 

In the Rkoni Village. on the top of the rocky hill, you will also find Rkoni Fortress, and at about 2 km from, pay a visit to Ikvi Monastery.

Rkoni is also rich in beautiful nature with ideal spots for hiking lovers and nature photographers. Visit in the autumn for the best weather when the road leading to the monastery floods with the deep red of the changing leaves.


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