Senaki Local Lore Museum - Ancient Georgian Artifacts

Senaki Museum of Local Lore in Samegrelo Region displays the rich history of this ancient part of Georgia. The area was inhabited long before the birth of Christ. Indeed, one of the most important monuments of the 4th-3rd centuries AD, Nokalakevi settlement, the old capital of Lazika kingdom, was located near Senaki, in the Tekhura River Basin.
Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti

Senaki Museum of Local Lore houses material evidence extracted as a result of archaeological excavations. Particularly valuable items preserved here belong to the the Late Bronze Age and the Late Middle Ages as well as jewelry from the Neolithic period, family pottery, antique jugs, ritual stones, numismatic samples, ancient tools for tillage, pestles, and Bronze Age choppers.

The museum also exhibits artworks of local contemporary artists.

Senaki Local Lore Museum was founded in 1959, and in November 2004, it was named after a national hero of Georgia - Zhiuli Shartava.

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