Katskhi Settlements

Katskhi Settlements

The archeological expedition in 1957 confirmed that the settlements found on the territory of Katskhi village in Chiatura municipality date back to the Stone Age. Archeologists have found about 2,300 different household items, work tools, and military weapons. The remains of the monuments found in the vicinity of Katskhi, in Sakhoria and Sarbi, are spread over 4-4.5 hectares, proving that this place was once full of life.

In Sakhoria, archeologists came across traces of not only a dwelling, but also a workshop used by ancient residents, as evidenced by the discovery of cutting weapons, gloves, awls, scrapers, and holes. There are monuments and evidence scattered across the site. The oldest weapons belonged to the early Acheulean period and the rest to the late Acheulean period.

Sarbi is 500 meters from Sakhoria, southwest of Katskhi village. The cores, sherds, and tools found date back to the late Acheulean period. In Katskhi territory, there are traces of lower paleolithic settlements identified in the 2,300 items found and currently kept in the Simon Janashia Georgian National Museum, in Tbilisi. The monument dates back to the early Mousterian era.

In 1972, due to the heavy storm uprooting a linden tree around the Katsakhi territory, an ancient vaulted roof burial mound, built on a late Bronze Age settlement was found under the roots. Because of the disorganized nature of the bones, it was impossible to determine the burial manner, although the remains of ceramic vessels found between the bones and the bulk earth date back to the antiquity period and the Middle Ages.


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